Rubber Stamp  MockUp 3.jpg

Rosemary Scott - Redrockit

It’s difficult to make a general statement about the art that I create. It’s not that I set out to produce works about one particular subject or another, rather I’m compelled to create art simply to satisfy the thoughts in my head from one day to the next.

Having said that, those thoughts do tend to dwell on themes of human psychology in some way. It’s a subject that’s not overt in my works, but it’s there. The question “Why do we do the things we do?” is the foremost question in everything I do both in life and art. I’m constantly searching for the answer. I’ve always been fascinated by mythology, folklore and religion because of their origins in human fear and uncertainty. The human need to explain the world around them in a time before scientific understanding is right there in the ancient myths and fairy tales that we all grew up with and it’s had me enthralled since I first discovered the ancient world during high school.

Alongside mythology, folklore and religion you’ll also find the occult, gothic literature, the macabre, social and pop culture, and contemporary feminism as strong influences in my work.

If a viewer misses all of this and simply enjoys the aesthetic of my work I’ll be just as happy because that’s important too.

I’ll work in a variety of traditional media, usually choosing the media in which to work during the planning stages of a piece. Sometimes an artwork speaks to me as a watercolour, other times it might be ink, acrylic or oil. I’ve also spent a number of years exploring photographic art which remains a love of mine.

My personal life

I share my life with my husband and two amazing children - two boys that make me smile and laugh countless times a day. 

We live in Toowoomba, in South East Queensland - it's hot in the Summer but beautifully cool in the Winter, and it’s far from the bustle of big city life - a lifestyle that suits me perfectly. While I love the excitement and creativity of larger cities, this one helps to keep me grounded in a way that I've never found possible elsewhere.

We share our home with my best canine friend Rocket, a jowly Bullmastiff.

Exhibitions, Events & Mentions

2009 - Artist Feature - Inside Solo Magazine (pp. 28-30)

2009 - Solo Exhibit - Flavours at Hampton Gallery, Hampton, Queensland

2010 - Solo Exhibit - 53Russell Art Gallery, Toowoomba, Queensland

2010 - 2016 - Pink Peppercorn Deli Cafe Gallery, Toowoomba, Queensland

2012 - Holy Name Art Show - Feature artist - art donated for auction - Toowoomba, Queensland

2019 - Huon Art Awards - Lovett Gallery, Cygnet, Tasmania

2022 - RME Downlands Art Exhibition, Toowoomba, Queensland

That’s me!

That’s me!

Those three guys in front are my family looking very “rock star” on a recent visit to MONA in Hobart. What an amazing place that is!

Those three guys in front are my family looking very “rock star” on a recent visit to MONA in Hobart. What an amazing place that is!

I have to listen music when I paint. And there’s usually dancing and singing in full voice :)